Making Our Roads and Communities Safer Spaces for All

By 6th February 2019 March 20th, 2019 No Comments

We live in a world where the pace of life has become much faster. Sadly, for many of our local communities, the pace of traffic within their local areas has become so fast it is no longer safe and is, in fact, unbearable.

One of the main concerns raised directly with me throughout the area, but in particular on the Newtown Road and Kilbroney Road, Rostrevor, is that our roads resemble race-tracks and are no longer safe for pedestrians, cyclists and other road-users.

A huge number of very concerned local residents have contacted me directly stating that it is only a matter of time before someone is seriously injured or the unthinkable happens and a life is lost.

As a new parent myself, I am only too aware of their worries and concerns. Is it too much to ask that our children are safe within their own community?

A huge number of children live and play in the housing estates along the Newtown Rd and I am directly appealing to motorists to please reduce their speed here and within all built-up areas, before an accident happens.

Transport NI must take action now and I am working hard to make sure that these areas will now be given top priority. The time for talking is over: we need real and immediate action.

I am passionate about ensuring that our communities are safe spaces and places for all and I pledge to encourage safer, more responsible driving and potentially reduce traffic flow. I will work directly with the relevant agencies to introduce effective strategies for traffic calming within our neighbourhood’s.

We must be proactive when it comes to the essentials of traffic calming; engineering and education.

Road safety should be everyone’s priority so lets make our communities safer for all. Reduced speed meets everyone’s need.

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